So it appears it's finally here, curtesy of the fantastic who has by far the best leaks and rumors site on the internet, we have the latest WD, complete with new chaos units.
You are probably wondering what the title is all about, well no, I've not made some crazy conversion of batman out of possessed wings and a grey model with yellow symbol his chest (though now quite wish I had).
Well it had to be done, more of these suckers demanded painting just by being utterly awesome models and the best thing about them? they are nearly all different so you don't get bored nearly as easily!
The world is in the grips of dark vengeance fever.. ok well maybe not the whole world, probably just a small corner of it, but its our corner and it its a fantastic buzz that's going on lately. Blogs all over are showing themselves opening the new box set all excited, paint jobs are appearing for the new models and it would be rude not to join in and paint some of these great models myself.
This weekend marks the release of the vengeance box set for Warhammer 40k as many of you will be aware. The kit which is chaos vs dark angels has some very interesting models in it, interesting in the sense that none of them are directly designed to be used in normal games of Warhammer 40.