Monday, 12 December 2011

Dark Eldar Venom Complete!

Well they say when you're on a roll you're on a roll and right off the back of my completed Lhamhean comes my next painting project complete, my first venom.

So in the venom we have likely the most popular ship the Dark Eldar have, 2 splinter cannon fun, it pumps out a hell of a lot of firepower. 

Some of you may remember if you read my blog regularly the initial post about the colour scheme I wanted to use here on my vehicles.  Essentially it came out as a kind of tron theme with my first attempt on a raider you can see HERE.

Well after that I completely lost the painting bug but a little while later re-gained it to paint my first warrior you can see in some of the pictures below.  Well the stage was now set, I added the completed warrior to a set of 4 others along with my venom and it became the first squad I was going to attempt to paint, like ever.

Big one out the way firs then I figured so here is the completed unit, my light box has a blue base which is a bit of a pain with it being a blue unit so I made sure to add in a shot with a white background, though actually I kinda liked it, looks a bit like its flying through the sea :).   I also now have a daylight  bulb for the lamp which I personally think makes a lot of difference.

Hope you like the scheme on the first tank I have ever actually completed! Feedback is welcome to improve it anyway for the next one.

Shortly after writing all this and uploading all the pictures I annoyingly realised I have forgotten to paint the bronze bit of the splinter cannon so that was done after but not included in the pictures sorry (dont think it took much away from it to be honest).

Sadly Star Wars TOR is out shortly so might be after xmas before the rest of the squad is done, but hopefully I will get time in between that and moving house!